Thursday, June 12, 2014

Diamond Head Walkabout

We took a stroll up to the top of Diamond Head early in the morning (we entered the park just after 6 am) to avoid the hordes of tourists and heat. The climb was a mere 750 feet, but it was mostly up at a steep incline. Not for the out-of-shape or folks with disabilities. The sidewalk turns into a bumpy trail shortly into the trail, along with a very narrow tunnel or two, and steep stairs barely wide enough for two people.

The caldera is entered through a tunnel bored through the volcano rim. One can drive or walk, but hey, the name of this blog should tell you what we did.

 Inside the caldera. We are heading almost straight ahead (eventually), to the top.

Start of the trail up to the structures in the distance.

A lighthouse seen on the way up.

Observation post and anti-aircraft gun structure.

 These observation posts were just off the trail.

 At the top, looking east. The whitish dot you see mid-picture, about a quarter of the way down is the tunnel into the caldera.

View to the west and Honolulu. Seems a long way from the old swamp land.

Peace my friends.

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