Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mosquito Cove

The weather continues to be a wonderful thing, so off I go, trekking around the Mosquito Cove area.

This tree is half underwater part of the day and continues to thrive.

 Sometimes they don't cut the trees when they fall across the trail.

 This picture, and the next, show the Old Man's Beard on the trees.

The jaw bone of a Sitka deer.

Peace my friends!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Heat Wave

We had 35 mph winds (with gusts over 60) the other day. It took the ice and snow with it around town. Went to bed with a couple of feet of snow and ice and woke up to green grass. It had been about a month or so since we last saw grass, so it was a bit strange to suddenly see it.
Now, it is a balmy 41 so I thought I would head out to Thimbleberry Lake to see if the ice was gone yet, and take a look at Totem Park to see the wind damage. Pretty exciting stuff around here!

As you can see from this one and the next few, the ice is still around, and more so on the trail.

An eagle as big as a labrador takes off.

Trees were down all around Totem Park, some falling across the paths. They cut the trees where they lay.

This was about 40 foot tall.
