Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Holo Holo Puna

We decided to take a little holo holo to Puna again to enjoy the tropical weather. Unfortunately, monsoon-like rain and wind wasn't quite what we had in mind. So after a couple of days waiting for the rain to ease, we scooted over to Kona side to get some heat and dry out Wanda! The winds were howling Kona side as well, but no rain on the coast.
Before we went back to Kona, we took a drive down to where the Kalapana subdivision used to be before the lava destroyed it (and the Royal Garden subdivision to the southwest).
Used to be a housing subdivision here.

We were at the red arrow.

Some folks rebuilt.

Some didn't.

A vent in the distance (about where the words "Royal Gardens" is on the map above).

Tried my hand at opening a coconut. Kept all my fingers, so I did well!

Over to Kona side:

Watching a multitude of whales frolicking about at Mahukona Beach!

Heading back to the mainland.


Humpback whales come down from Alaska to calve around here and Maui, then head back up to Alaska after a few months to gorge on the fish before heading back down in two years to calve again.

Wanda was getting hot, so we parked behind the trees for a bit o'shade.

The sunsets can be dramatic!

The land around this area used to be mostly taro until the sugarcane farmers up north diverted the water for their fields. Railroad tracks were laid to move supplies up and down the coast. Nothing remains but a few buildings and roads where the tracks once were laid.

Navigational rocks were set up on high points of land to direct the Hawaiians in canoes to the other islands. Apparently you turn at this marker to go to Maui.

Closeup of the markers.


Wanda chilling at the beach.

Hawaiian Cardinal.

We went down the road a few miles to see the Mauna Kea Resort beach. They have to allow 40 cars to park in their parking lot for public beach access. One of the best beaches on the island.

Good stuff!

Peace my friends!

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