Saturday, August 22, 2015


Our friend Giorgio (owner of the house we are staying in) was very kind in taking us to Bevagna and surrounding areas (to get the best cheese and wine). Bevagna has been around since about 80 BC, and still has the Etruscan walls surrounding the town. It puts on a medieval history festival where the locals dress up in period costume and decorate the town even to the point of hiding the metal downspouts so it looks more medieval! Here are some random pics:

Must get to Bastardo one of these days!

 Ceiling of a church. There are many, many churches in the villages. Bevagna has about 7, built in the 12th and 13th centuries.

 The entire old part of the town has these cobblestones. Must be millions of them!

Viccolo baciodonna (kiss the woman). Passageway so narrow one has to turn sideways to pass, and maybe sneak a kiss with a woman when passing.

 Some frescos still around after all these years.

Went to a paper making shop where they make paper in the old way by soaking cloth in hydrated lime then pulping it and reconstituting it into pieces of paper which are dried on felt sheets. Or something like that.

Hydrated lime vat.

 Paper press.

 River next to old water mill, which unfortunately was covered and under renovation.

 A place to tie one's horse up.

 Tower outside the wall.

Ciao, ciao, ciao my friends!

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