Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Batu Caves

We headed a bit north of downtown Kuala Lumpur to see the glorious Batu Caves, dedicated to Lord Murugan, he of the Hindu faith. The pictures on various websites portray a beautiful well-lit 100 meter high system of limestone caves. In reality, it is a hot, humid, dimly-lit, monkey-infested, poop-stained system of caves. With pigeons and roosters too. Your mileage may vary.

 Hanuman, devotee of Rama.


 These macaque monkeys are all over the place. They are very bold and will try and take whatever is in your hands if they think it is food. It is not a good idea to feed them, but lots of eejits do anyway. We saw one jump on a lady's backpack on her back and try to take it off her. They are very attracted to plastic bags, believing them to be a source of food. There aren't monkey-proof garbage cans in the caves, so the trash is strewn all over the place from the monkeys who take the garbage out and eat it.

 His nibs, Lord Murugan. In case you were wondering, it is the tallest statute of him in the world: 140 ft high.

 Some temple you weren't allowed to wear shoes in.

 272 steps. Apparently no exposed shoulders or legs allowed by the tourists wishing to climb the steps.

 Too dim for good pictures, but since it felt like a steam room in there, I didn't really give a crap.

 Someone ruined a really cool limestone cave.

Sign on the monorail. No chewing gum or tonsil-hockey allowed.

Off to the Genting Highland and the largest hotel in the known universe!

Peace my friends!

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