Sunday, April 17, 2011


Italian drivers drive like their hair is on fire. Always. Everywhere. Backing up. Parking. Doesn't matter They will pass you on blind curves, and pull in front of you to enter your lane from a side street (and glare at you like you are in the wrong), while blocking the oncoming lane as well. Woe is the driver who is in any lane other than the far right on the autostrada (highway) and is going slower than 120 kph. He will have the car in back about half a foot off of his rear bumper, and one wheel out into the oncoming lane, trying to get around you. On the country roads you are passed all the time, by young and old, male or female. The drivers like to beep their horns frequently, although for no particular reason (at least one we can figure out). 
Parking is the same as France, wherever and facing any direction. Parking signs are more like a suggestion than a hard and fast rule, especially if you are a local. When we first got to Arpino, I parked where other cars were parked, on the side of the street, no colored curb. Luckily we got back with Ferdy (our host) just as the local polizia officer was giving our car the evil eye, and slapping his hand with his ticket book. Ferdy muttered something about tourists and we skedaddled away, sans ticket. No tickets on the other cars though.
Today we went Isole del Liri, and parked in front of a sign that indicated we were in a zone that required a parking ticket from the machine. Looking up and down the street, we didn’t see any ticket machines, nor did any of the other cars parked on the street have the tickets inside on their dash. Then we walked a bit and came down a street that had signs indicating no parking 24 hrs a day and a picture of a tow truck towing a car away. You couldn’t park another car on that street, it was so crowded.
Anyhoo, life is wonderful in and around Arpino, despite the contradictions and speedy drivers. More sights:

Religion is big here in Italy. Offering places everywhere, even in the middle of the road. This one is above a door to a residence.

 Cobble stones in the older part of Arpino.

Two views down into the valley.

 The best cappuccino in Italy is served from the caffe in the corner (red building).

 I love the colors of this building.

 And the plants growing out if at the top.

2 more views of the valley around Arpino. It looks like a model railroad set from this high up.

A place the sun never shines.

 Loses a little in the translation.


 This doesn't begin to show the amount and variety of pasta in this country!

He followed us home one day after a walk. Kirsty named him Piaggio.

 Maybe yellow the world over.

Ciao, ciao my friends!

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