Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On the way to Wrangell

On the boat thinking about the alone/isolation experience. I know I like to be invisible in the crowd, don’t want the attention. Don’t like crowds much, or noise in confined spaces. Noise seems to assault me like a slap. I withdraw, becoming uncomfortable. Except at sporting events. Go figure. I once told a woman of my acquaintance to shhh in a movie. Apparently that is a no-no with women. You’d think I stabbed her with a fork. She got a bit angry.

Watching from the boat is very peaceful as there aren’t too many people on board. Except for the Australian kids running about, most folks are quiet and respectful. However, some are what I call the loud talkers. They have to chat it up with everyone and in a loud voice. And they love to talk, and talk, and talk. I guess that is part of their adventure. Easy enough to move to a different part of the ship.

Slept on the floor in the observation room. Didn’t want to attempt to sleep through the giggle-fest of young kids up on the open deck. Slept near a couple of hot coeds. I was there first and they came and bedded down close to me. Man, if I was 30 years younger and they even knew I existed, it could have been a blogging moment!

I’m getting dehydrated, need to remember to drink more water.

Ship will be delayed getting into Petersburg because the boat currently in dock can’t leave until something gets fixed. Not too upset with the wait (turned out to be about 5 hours) as I was on a boat in gorgeous country, with humpback whales and orcas swimming about. That and I didn’t have anyplace I was in a hurry to get to.

I am changing my focus on time and energy spent doing too much worrying or rushing. Time to just be. When I eat, I eat. When I read, I read. No more doing two or three things at once, or giving attention to the waterfall of thoughts rushing through my head. I keep telling myself, just be. I have no need to hurry. I can concentrate and give full attention to what I am experiencing. It is a struggle to change, but I am getting better at it.

 Sleeping on the floor in the observation room.

Sleepers on the upper deck area under the solarium.

Outside of Wrangell at 4:30 am.

Sunrise outside of Wrangell.

Wrangell. Not much to it, but supposedly a heck of a place for fishing.

Approaching the dock.

We be docked.

Truth in advertising!

The following five pictures are after leaving Wrangell and heading for Petersburg.

Narrow passage.

These are the steps for tossing over the side of the ship in case of an evacuation. I was struck by the colors and interplay of the rope and steps.

This is all I have time for today. Spent most of the the day getting situated and acquiring a few more things I need to make my tenting more comforatble. Today is spent in shorts and tennis shoes as it is a balmy 60 here. Almost too hot!! By the way, bald eagles are very common here. Everywhere I look, I see them either in the trees or flying around. What a majestic bird!


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